viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2022

unit 2 We protect animals

 1. What  are the life processes of animals ?


Through nutrition, animals obtain the substances and the energy they need to live. They need to eat other living things. 


Besides food, animals eed oxygen. Oxygen is a gas found in air and water. Animals take in oxygen either throug lungs or through gills. This process is called respiration,


Animals receive information about what is happening around them through their sense organs. The brain receives this information, interprets it and gives an appropriate response. This process is called sensitivity


Reproduction is the process by which animals produce offspring similar to themselves


Oviparous vs. viviparous: 

2. What type of animals are there?


They have a hard internal skeleton with a backbone. Their body is divided into three parts: head, trunk and limbs.  

There are five groups of vertebrates:


Invertebrates do not have an internal skeleton with a backbone

1. Sponges are different shapes. They live in the sea. They cannot move about. They are fixed to the seabed.

2. Jellyfish float in the sea. They look like an umbrella. They can sting with their tentacles.

3. Worms have a long, soft body and no legs. There are different types of worms

4. Molluscs have a soft body. Most of them, like snails, have a hard shell for protection.

5. Arthropods have a hard outer shell. Insects are the most abundant group of arthropods.

6. Echinoderms, like starfish, have hard, spiny skin. 



Vertebrate vs invertebrate: 

3 What are mollusc like?

All molluscs have a soft body.

The main  groups of molluscs:

4. What are insects?

Insectsc are the largest group of animals in the world

 * How do insects reproduce?

Most insects lay eggs. A larva hatches from an egg. The larva changes into a pupa. The adult insect emerges from the pupa. This process of change is called metamorphosis.



Insect groups


Insects belong to the invertebrate group called arthropods, the most numerous group of animals.


- All arthropods havea hard case on the outside.

- Arthropods have jointed leg





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